Since 1980 - Your Trusted Vegetation Management Experts
Spiny Cockleburr
Myrtle Spurge
Salt Cedar
Russian Knapweed
Scotch Thistle
Spotted Knapweed
Diffuse Knapweed
Canada Thistle
Purple Starthistle
Russian Olive
Hoary Cress
Musk Thistle
Yellow Toadflax
Leafy Spurge
Oxeye Daisy
Dalmation Toadflax
Black Henbane
*Do not mow
*Spreads by root system
*Infests open fields, roadsides, grass and range lands
*All parts of plant are poisonous
*Milky white sap is poisonous if ingested
*Drought tolerant perennial
*If ingested by livestock it becomes poisonous
*Has toxicity to animals and humans
*Ingestion by animals may lead to humans
*Chokes native plants, robs the watertable
*Extremely difficult to remove
*Ruins bird nesting sites
*Toxic to livestock, especially Sheep
*Destructive to land
*Excretes mineral salts making it difficult for other plants to grow
*Biggest threat is loss of habitat due to wildfires
*Serious threat to dogs, wildlife and landscapes
as its seeds get stuck in fur, eyes, nose, ears, mouth
*Seeds reproduce laterally
*Pervasive root system spreads deeply (2 meters +)
*Small pieces of cut root can form new plants
*Poisonous to horses, all knapweeds contain carcinogens
*Do not let any knapweed contaminate your hay
*Releases a chemical that hinders plants root growth
*Severely reduces forage plant use and production
*Although not poisonous, livestock will refuse to enter heavy infestations and will not graze close to spines
*Chokes native plants, robs the watertable
*Extremely difficult to remove
*Ruins bird nesting sites
*May trigger an allergic reaction in some people
*Avoid if allergic to ragweed or birch pollen
*Selective herbicide is recommended for control
*Contains poisonous glucoside
*Harmful to cattle if consumed in large quantities
*Germinate in 10 to 15 days at 55 to 60 degrees F
*Can invade undisturbed sites
*Out competes desirable native plants and grasses
*Sharp spines deter livestock grazing
*Poisonous under certain conditions
*When consumed by livestock, its toxins attack the digestive tract, and in large amounts death may occur
*Contains alkaloids toxic to animals and humans
*Its white, latex sap can cause human blindness on contact
*Highly invasive, reduces forage plants for livestock
*Very aggressive, can quickly infest large areas
*Knapweeds should be sprayed in spring or early summer
*New Mexico's largest native member of Daisy family
*One of the most common weed wildflowers in North America
*One of the most invasive species in many western states
*Although not toxic, all knapweeds contain carcinogens
*Wear gloves when handling knapweeds
*Contains poisonous glucoside
*Harmful to livestock if consumed in large amounts
*Found on roadsides, grasslands, crop fields
*2nd most common noxious weed in western U.S.
*Reproduces via vegetative shoots
*Crowds out desirable native plants
*Landowners with it on properties are required to control it
*All parts of plant are HIGHLY TOXIC to animals and humans
*Highly invasive and will out compete native plants
*Transporting across state lines is illegal in most areas
*Spreads mostly by underground rhizomes and sprouts from root crowns
*Extremely difficult to eradicate
*Preventing initial establishment is critical as it stores large amounts of energy in its extensive root system